Balinese, Javanese, Oriental Longhair Cats

What is a Balinese?
What is a Javanese?
What is an Oriental Longhair?
What is a Variant?
Photos/Pedigrees - CFA Balinese Cats of Distinction
Photos/Pedigrees - CFA Javanese Cats of Distinction
Photos/Pedigrees - CFA Oriental LH Cats of Distinction

Websites - Balinese, Javanese, Oriental Longhair Cats
ChanLokMeow Balinese, Javanese & Orientals
Loblolly Balinese, Javanese & Orientals
MartyCats Balinese, Javanese & Orientals
Pavir Balinese & Javanese
Sacchidananda Javanese & Oriental Longhairs
Su-Bali & KLM Balinese, Javanese & Orientals
Balimoor Balinese, Javanese & Orientals - Alberta
Blue Moon Balinese & Oriental Longhairs - Switzerland
Dizigner Balinese - Russia
Jerremiaz Siamese & Balinese - Sweden
Pippastro Siamese, Balinese & Orientals - England
Von Collioure Siamese, Balinese & Orientals - Germany

Websites - Feline Registries

Canada - Canadian Cat Association (CCA)
Europe - Federation Internationale Feline (FIFe)
Great Britain - Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF)
Great Britain - Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCCF) Supreme Show
USA - Cat Fanciers Association (CFA)
Information - Cat Shows

A Beginner's Guide To Exhibiting at CFA Cat Shows | A Guide To CFA Scoring | CFA Published Show Schedule

Su-Bali & KLM - Download Directory | Breeders Assistant Pedigree Program | Breedmate Pedigree Program
Zippy Security Cages

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Copyright (C) Kris Willison, 1996. All rights reserved.

Visitors Since 1 January 1996